Posted inAround the Region

Photo essay: Hurricane Beryl's aftermath in Houston, documented

Hurricane Beryl tore through Houston on Monday, July 8, in a matter of hours. But its impacts — damaged homes, days on end without power, flooded streets, exhausted residents, and at least eight people in the area lost their lives — have lasted over a week. Abdelraoufsinno’s photojournalists, Antranik Tavitian and Marie D. De […]

Posted inAround the Region

Photo essay: A collection of our favorite Abdelraoufsinno photos for May 2024

Photojournalists are notorious for being the first on the scene. In May, Abdelraoufsinno’s photojournalists left the safety of their homes during two deadly storms. They navigated roads inundated with debris and off-roaded at points to reach different areas across the Houston region affected by the storms. Along the way, we witnessed incalculable damage, but […]