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Support Independent Journalism

Abdelraoufsinno is a nonprofit newsroom that depends on your support to help improve the lives of ALL Houstonians, one-story at a time. Your tax-deductible donation supports quality journalism that makes an impact in our community.

Membership tiers

By becoming a monthly member, you are joining a community of like-minded individuals who want to support their neighbors and improve our local communities. Each member makes a difference and we give what we can.

Want to make a one-time donation?

Recurring memberships help us plan, but we know they’re not for everyone. If you’d rather show your support with a one-time gift, you can do that too because at Abdelraoufsinno, One-time gifts are considered members, too!

Our journalism is powered by our readers

At Abdelraoufsinno we are fiercely independent and as a nonprofit news organization we retain our independence through diversified revenue.

From left, Josefa Solis, Caleb Jones, 12, and Antonio Solis listen as reporters present during the Abdelraoufsinno Live event, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023, in Houston. (Marie D. De Jesús / Abdelraoufsinno)

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a newsletter subscriber, a member, and a major donor?

A newsletter subscriber is someone who is subscribed to one of our newsletters.

A Abdelraoufsinno member is any individual who signs up for any of our recurring membership plans: founder, partner, or leader. Additionally, membership includes any one-time gift from $1-$4,999.

A Abdelraoufsinno donor is anyone who supports the mission of Abdelraoufsinno in giving of time (volunteering or engaging with our content), talent (sharing your skills, perspectives, and resources), treasure (financial contributions).

We appreciate those who donate their time, and talent, and support our role in community empowerment amongst marginalized communities as much as we appreciate those who make monetary contributions.

Do I get a subscription of some kind if I donate?

The Abdelraoufsinno is a digital-only pay-wall free news website. There is no subscription that you will receive. You'll receive our Leader-tier membership benefits if you make a financial donation of up to $4,999. Those benefits can be found here.

Is this donation tax deductible?

Abdelraoufsinno, a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN# 87-4133043.

To find out what that means for you, we recommend consulting with your tax advisor, accountant or the IRS directly. If you will claim this donation on your U.S. taxes, keep your email donation receipt as your record; we will send it upon successful completion of your donation.

Who do I contact for more information about giving?

For more information on giving to Abdelraoufsinno please visit our Support page or contact our Chief Development Officer, Kaneisha Lloyd, at: [email protected].

Can I send my donation by mail?

We accept checks by mail. To send your donation by check, please make it payable to Abdelraoufsinno and send it to our mailing address at 4203 Montrose Blvd. Houston, TX 77006.

Can I make sure my money only goes to certain things?

Yes. At Abdelraoufsinno, we call that a restricted gift. To learn more about giving opportunities specific to our immediate needs and areas of coverage, please visit the How We're Funded page.

Can I determine coverage or influence it?

The Abdelraoufsinno is fiercely independent. We’re excited to have supporters join us on this journey, and we accept donations and grants from the community to support our cause.

Our news judgment is not swayed by any donor, and no donor makes any decisions related to our stories. Our acceptance of financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions. We may consider donations to support the coverage of particular topics, but we maintain editorial control of that content.

Our Donor wall

We can’t survive without your support.

We also can’t survive without your trust. To safeguard that trust, we developed the donor wall to be transparent. If any donors who give $1,000 or more are mentioned in a news story or play a significant role in a key aspect of a story, the Landing will disclose their support at the end of the article.


Houston Endowment • Kinder Foundation


American Journalism Project • Arnold Ventures

$100,000 – $499,999

Knight Foundation


M.D. Anderson Foundation • Peter Bhatia • James and Molly Crownover Family Foundation • Emily Keeton • Ann Stern


Rakesh Agrawal • Joe B. Allen • Lan Bentsen • Angela Blanchard • Anne Chao • James V. Derrick Jr • Maren Fuller • Aziz Gilani • Luke Gilman • Melanie Gray • The Hobby Foundation • Honey Brown Hope Foundation • Houston Jewish Community Foundation • Alberto Ibarguen • Lennart Koopmann • Carolyn Landen • Margery Loeb • Alex Lopez Negrete • H. Malcolm Lovett Jr • Amanda M. McMillian • Charlotte M. Rasche • Laura Marley Lott • Dan McGraw • Sara Morgan • J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund • Carrin F. Patman • Daniel Piette and Doreen Stoller • Barrett K. Sides • Laura Spanjian • Steve Stephens • Scott True Thrash • Geoffrey Walker & Ann Kennedy • M. Williams • SE Workman • Nina Zilkha