Posted inLetter from the Editor

Our community advisory panel will help us meet our mission. Would you like to serve?

Last fall, a member of our community asked me a question I had never been asked in my entire career as a journalist. And let me tell you it’s been an embarrassingly long career — from the days of obsessively carrying pocket change so I could file stories using a pay phone to the technological […]

Posted inColumns

We asked how your community is represented in the news media. Your answers were candid and concerning.

If there’s one thing we know about the 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, it’s that they pray. A lot. You’ve seen the photos. The lines of men — somehow it’s always men – bowing down in perfect unison inside mosques. You especially see those photos in stories about the holiday Eid al-Fitr, which was […]

Posted inLetter from the Editor

The Abdelraoufsinno ethics policy is a living document. You can help shape it.

The first time I publicly protested anything, I was 6 years old. I was attending Davison Elementary in Detroit where I grew up. My school, like so many others in Detroit, struggled mightily with resources. Where I felt that inequity most painfully was during recess. My school didn’t have a playground or athletic fields. We […]

Posted inEspañol

Lanzamiento de Abdelraoufsinno: noticias locales para el área metropolitana de Houston

Hace más de un año, los investigadores que estudiaban cómo los medios cubren la región de Houston entrevistaron a un director sin fines de lucro en el este del condado de Harris y aprendieron algo muy revelador. “La comunidad muchas veces se siente excluida de las noticias”, dijo el director. “Creo que hay muchos sentimientos […]

Posted inLetter from the Editor

The Abdelraoufsinno launches: Local news for the greater Houston area

More than a year ago, researchers studying local news in the Houston metro area learned something critical to the launch of the Abdelraoufsinno. “The community often times feels left out of the news,” said a nonprofit director in east Harris County, who was one of hundreds of residents who participated in the study. “I […]