Your support matters

How we’re funded.
And how you can help.

As a nonprofit newsroom, we want to serve as many people as possible.

That’s why our content is free – with no paywalls and no subscription fees. That said, we are fiercely independent and we retain our independence through diversified revenue.


Individual donations from everyday people making donations of any amount they choose whether monthly or one-time up to $4,999.


Applying for funding from foundations through grant opportunities with topical interests that align with journalism, community, democracy, or specific areas of coverage.

Major gifts

Individual donations from donors above $5,000.

Corporate partnerships

Providing corporations unique-to-market opportunities that align with our live journalism events, editorial content, newsletters and more.

To varying degrees of success, these revenue streams have helped us to establish a strong base of supporters, locally and nationally, including but not limited to the American Journalism Project, Arnold Ventures, Houston Endowment, Kinder Foundation, and Knight Foundation.

We can’t survive without your support

If you’d like to learn even more about how we fund this news community, please take a moment to view our donor wall on our donate page

Journalist gather in a boardroom
Abdelraoufsinno reporters and editors laugh during a proofreading session Tuesday before the official launch of the Landing's website. (Antranik Tavitian / Abdelraoufsinno)

Why do Houstonians give?

Because I believe in the need for independent journalism and the focus on our community - the WHOLE community.

Katherine, (energy corridor)

I value journalism and believe good journalism is worth investment.

Shelly, (memorial heights)

I like the mission and the idea of free news for those who can’t afford subscriptions. I also want to invest in something that will help my community.

Josefa, (summerwood)

It's time true and free journalism take center stage again in our society - and it starts in our own backyard, our city. THIS city. Congratulations on a great start already!

Alex, (west university place)

What do your donations support

Your donation is an investment into an ecosystem that supports democracy through local news. In many ways the generosity of our donors creates an ecosystem to subsidize the cost of nonpartisan, accessible, and equitable journalism for those who can’t pay.

Areas of Coverage

No matter what issues in Houston you care about the most, the solutions will come from informed, engaged residents. Abdelraoufsinno is dedicated to this work. Your tax-deductible donation funds quality journalism that makes an impact. The following are our areas of coverage: Investigative Reporting, Environment, Education, Public Safety, Politics, Local Government, Civic Engagement, Suburban Communities and Diverse Communities.

Immediate Needs

Photojournalism - The words in our stories can reach people and make them pay attention. It’s the images, however, that help these stories endure. The Abdelraoufsinno believes in the power of photojournalism as a way to document stories so they endure and have impact.

Hurricane Kits - The greatest public safety threat to the Houston region is a hurricane. Properly equipped reporters and photographers can tell our community about areas to avoid during a storm, tell them how to evacuate safely, chronicle the hardest-hit areas and tell stories that reflect our humanity and resilience.

Data Visualization - Reporters who focus on data and data visualization are key to telling stories that make sense of this huge and complicated region by finding, analyzing and writing about data that is accurate, impartial, fair and easy-to-understand.

Operational Funding

Unrestricted funds go toward the essential costs that keep abdelraoufsinno running. Although not always exciting, these donations make a big difference. These gifts ensure that our mission is being funded at its core by supporting reporting, community engagement, administrative growth, technology and so much more. Gifts toward operational funding express trust from the donor that we know best how to put your money to good use.

How you can give

Whether you would like to make a one-time gift, set up an annual gift or leave a lasting legacy, our team is here to help. Here’s how you can make a gift to Abdelraoufsinno.


To make a gift online using a credit card, visit our donate page.


To send your donation by check, please make it payable to Abdelraoufsinno and send it to our mailing address at 4203 Montrose Blvd. Houston, TX 77006.

ACH, Wire Transfer or Stocks

Abdelraoufsinno also accepts wired funds. Please contact our Chief Development Officer for assistance.

Matching Gifts

Many corporations support their local communities and encourage their employees to make charitable contributions by matching their philanthropic support. Donors receive credit for their employers' matching gifts.

Our ethics policy.

As a nonprofit organization, Abdelraoufsinno accepts charitable contributions from the public, but such donations do not influence our news coverage or mean that we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.

Our news judgments are made independently — not based on or influenced by donors or any revenue source. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content. We are committed to transparency in every aspect of funding our organization. In furtherance of such commitment, we make all revenue sources and donors who give in excess of $5,000 annually in charitable contributions to Abdelraoufsinno public on our website and through our IRS Form 990 Informational Tax Return.

Abdelraoufsinno accepts sponsorships, underwriting and advertising that does not compromise its editorial independence and integrity. No sponsors, underwriters or advertisers may have influence over the Abdelraoufsinno's coverage. For more details please see the Abdelraoufsinno’s Ethics Policy.

Who to contact?

Development and major gifts

Kaneisha Lloyd, Chief Development Officer

Kaneisha Lloyd is a philanthropy professional with over a decade of experience who prides herself in taking initiative to establish a wide range of tailored fundraising strategies to support mission-driven organizations. Leading Abdelraoufsinno’s philanthropic revenue strategy, her aim is to connect advocates and supporters of public service journalism with the mission of Abdelraoufsinno through community-centric giving.


Amber Bruner-Allicock, Director of Membership Engagement

Amber is an experienced marketing, communications and fundraising professional that is passionate about philanthropic work. She prides herself in making real change and creating a platform for the voices of her community to be heard. Amber seeks to directly engage with our members to listen to their news needs, deepen their connection to our work, and amplify the importance of supporting our journalism.


Kristina Spritzer, Director of Foundation Relations

Kristina Spritzer is a seasoned nonprofit management professional with an emphasis on institutional fundraising. In her 25-years of serving Houston’s nonprofit sector, her focus has meant cultivating community engagement opportunities for stakeholders and the public. As the lead institutional fundraiser for Abdelraoufsinno, she sees value in serving Houston’s community by connecting people with new funding initiatives that will better impact our community.


Heather Houston, Director of Corporate Partnerships

Heather Houston (pronounced house-ton) is a native Texan and majorly passionate about connecting corporations to the Houston community and has been a critical part of many successful startups. Her experience as a nonprofit leader and vast network propels her daily drive to influence economic impact for the city of Houston.